
2018年12月26日—Server2012R2hasafolderwinsxsithasbecomefull.nowthereis1gigleftontheserver,Ihavetriedrunningwindowsdiskclean ...,2022年12月13日—TheminimumdiskrequirementsforWindowsServer2012r2is32GBtherecommendedrequirementsare40GBorhigher.Iwouldrecommendthatyou ...,DeletesupersededupdatesandunusedsystemfilestogainGigabytesofextradiskspacewithdism.exe'sdiskcleanupoptions,learnhowtomovethe ...,20...


2018年12月26日 — Server 2012 R2 has a folder winsxs it has become full. now there is 1 gig left on the server, I have tried running windows disk clean ...

Cleaning up WinSxS Directory to reduce space Windows ...

2022年12月13日 — The minimum disk requirements for Windows Server 2012 r2 is 32GB the recommended requirements are 40GB or higher. I would recommend that you ...

Disk Cleanup in Windows Server 2012 (R2)

Delete superseded updates and unused system files to gain Gigabytes of extra disk space with dism.exe's disk cleanup options, learn how to move the ...

Disk Cleanup WinSxS folder in Windows Server 2012 (R2 ...

2017年7月31日 — Here is how to clean up the WinSxs folder on Windows Server 2012 R2, to reclaim disk space. This will delete superseded updates and unused ...

WinSXS cleanup in Microsoft Windows (Server and Desktop)

“Features on demand” introduced in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. Using features on demand, you can remove role and feature payloads from the OS to conserve ...

Winsxs Cleanup Server 200820122016 SBS 2011

This page is about how to cleanup Winsxs folder and free up hard disk space on Windows server 2008/2012/2016 sbs 2011.

在Windows Server 上使用磁碟清理

2023年10月4日 — 適用於:Windows Server 2022、Windows Server 2019、Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2012 R2、Windows Server 2012、Windows Server 2008 R2.

如何啟用安裝運行磁盤清理Windows Server 2012?

此頁面顯示如何在Windows Server 2012 R2 中安裝/啟用磁盤清理,以及如何運行Server 2012 磁盤清理實用程序以釋放磁盤空間。

如何添加啟用運行磁盤清理Windows Server 2012 R2

2022年6月28日 — 有兩種選擇啟用磁盤清理Server 2012 (R2):從WinSxS複製文件並使用桌面體驗功能安裝。 將文件複製到特定文件夾既簡單又快捷,但在某些環境中磁盤清理不 ...

清理Windows Server 2012 WinSXS目录

2019年7月16日 — Windows Server 2012 R2 可以通过使用PowerShell 删除不需要的role/features。但是后续恢复已经删除的role/features 相对麻烦。点此查看参考信息 ...